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21st Birthday Humor

You only turn twenty-one once in your life, so why not go all out on the occasion? There are plenty of things to do after you reach this milestone and you can find the perfect 21st birthday invitations for the special event. Finding the right one for your tastes and personality might not be a tough as you think.

The first thing that you want to do is choose a theme for your event. You might want to have a night out on the town with a handful of friends or you might want to spend a quiet afternoon with family. Some want to do both. For these individuals two sets of 21st birthday invitations might be in order.

When I turned 21 I was so excited about the event that I made sure to send twenty-first birthday invitations to my extended family. My mother was planning a party for our close-knit group and I was thrilled. However, I was turning a very special age that boasts some new opportunities as well.

Of course, my parents expected me to hit the town for a few hours after the afternoon family party. They designated my older brother as the driver. He was less than thrilled until he discovered that I was sending 21st birthday invitations to my sorority sisters. He suddenly got the urge to do some driving after he heard the news.

The invites were great. I chose a trendy circular design that had a martini glass tipped in the center. I loved these 21st birthday invitations because they had a great texture on the front. The colors were understated and mature and I knew that these were perfect for my special evening out with the girls.

The planning for the home party was pretty much up to my mother. She did a great job with choosing the right food and entertainment but she neglected to choose 21st birthday invitations. About a month before the big event I started shopping for just the right one for the family as well.

These 21st birthday invitations were a lot different than the ones I chose for the girls. I chose a great design that looked like an admission ticket. I figured that my younger nieces and nephews would enjoy the look of these twenty-first birthday invitations and so would the older attendants. They also went wonderfully with my mom's movie theme that she chose for the occasion.

My birthday that year was one of the most memorable days of my life. I even kept a copy of both 21st birthday party invitations to remember the day even better. It was a true milestone.

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